Jeff Brown
Author, Teacher, Grounded Spiritualist & Enrealment Activist
The Narcissistic Abuse Healing Course
A Course For Women and Men
This engaging and easy-to-follow 6-week downloadable audio course will support you in your efforts to heal from narcissistic abuse and move forward in your life. With an additional 68-page e-book of written exercises and tools created by Soulshaping and Apologies to the Battered Child author Jeff Brown.
Pay what you can $89 – $169 sliding scale
depending on your economic circumstances
In this E-course You Will Discover How to…
Heal and Empower
This course will support your healing from narcissistic abuse, and the resolution of related issues and patterns.
Transform & Release
You will identify where the wounds and imprints of narcissistic abuse live in you, and how they impact your life and way of being. You will be guided through a transformational process that will strengthen your sense of self and free you from the traumatic effects of narcissistic abuse.
Tools & Meditations
You will receive tools, exercises, and meditations as support for your process. Jeff’s heartfelt and insightful talks create a safe-space for your healing journey. You will feel authentically seen and invited in the direction of your own healing and liberation.
This course is an invitation.
An invitation to heal. An invitation to release. An invitation to resolve. An invitation to self-forgive. An invitation to trust. An invitation to transform. An invitation to restore confidence. An invitation to self-empowerment. An invitation to reclaim your life.
This course is an opportunity.
An opportunity to be free from the shaming, demeaning, and destructive effects of narcissistic manipulation and messaging. An opportunity to heal and re-build. An opportunity to stand in your sturdy and stable selfhood. An opportunity to live life on your own terms. An opportunity to restore self-love. An opportunity to rediscover hope and motivation. An opportunity to feel safe in relationship, and to believe in yourself again. An opportunity to live the self-assured and purposeful life you were born for.
This course is an invitation.
An invitation to heal. An invitation to release. An invitation to resolve. An invitation to self-forgive. An invitation to trust. An invitation to transform. An invitation to restore confidence. An invitation to self-empowerment. An invitation to reclaim your life.
This course is an opportunity.
An opportunity to be free from the shaming, demeaning, and destructive effects of narcissistic manipulation and messaging. An opportunity to heal and re-build. An opportunity to stand in your sturdy and stable selfhood. An opportunity to live life on your own terms. An opportunity to restore self-love. An opportunity to rediscover hope and motivation. An opportunity to feel safe in relationship, and to believe in yourself again. An opportunity to live the self-assured and purposeful life you were born for.

Sometimes the residual effects of narcissistic abuse manifest within personal relationships. You may have difficulty trusting, or opening up and being vulnerable. At other times, you may be overwhelmed with shame, guilt, or self-hatred, as the internalized messages of the narcissist’s blame-game replay beneath the surface. Misplaced anger and passive aggression may flare up, in an attempt to be released. It may take the form of not believing in yourself, and retreating from the goals and dreams that have meaning for you. You may find yourself in a persistent state of confusion, a tug of war between your understanding of what actually happened, and the convoluted version of reality that the narcissist fed you. The effects of narcissistic abuse may eat at you in a whole host of different ways, unless and until the wound is confronted and resolved.
At the heart of the narcissistic wound is the distorted belief that it was all your fault. That’s the narcissist’s speciality—convincing others that they are responsible for everything dysfunctional about them and the relationship. But it isn’t true. IT WAS NEVER ABOUT YOU. The gaslighting was not about you. The triangulation was not about you. The blaming and playing the victim was not about you. The lack of empathy was never about you. The manipulation, sense of entitlement, delusions of grandeur, and incessant ego-feeding were never about you. They were directed AT you, but they were never about you.
You may have wanted to believe that it was about you—perhaps because it gave you a momentary sense of control. After all, if its your fault, then you can actually make it better. But it was NEVER ABOUT YOU. All of it was about the narcissist and their fragile, underdeveloped egoic structure. And there was NOT A THING you could do to change any of it. Because that which exists in the narcissist, existed before you, and no doubt will exist beyond you. The origin of these patterns was a function of their own experiences, and took root independent of your presence. It is not now, nor was it ever, within your control.
The only thing that is within your control is your own healing and transformation. You can make the choice to heal from narcissistic abuse. You can choose to stop carrying their baggage, and do the work to shed their messaging. You can re-claim your truth, your voice, and your path.
In this course, you will receive the insights, tools, and techniques to heal from narcissistic abuse. This empowering course supports you in identifying precisely where the wounds live inside you, and how they impact your life. And, most importantly, to get to their roots and heal that which is ready to be healed.
This course honors the truth of your experience. It walks beside you as you fully acknowledge your story and find your way to comfort and resolution. Our wounds themselves are not always a great gift, but the healing of them can liberate and transform our consciousness in brilliant and beautiful ways. When you no longer carry the narcissist’s baggage and blame yourself for what isn’t yours, you will be free to live the confident and secure life you were born for. Self-regard will become your natural and organic way of being, and you will walk your path with confidence, genuinely believing in your intrinsic beauty and worth. You will.
6 weekly talks and 68 pages of exercises, meditations, and supportive writings:
The nature of narcissistic abuse; The many faces of narcissism; Predators and Empaths; The Healing Companion Visualization;
Telling your whole and real story; Naming and owning what you experienced; Identifying its effects on your ways of being and relating;
Identifying where the wound lives in you; Releasing, expressing, and resolving the wound; Somatic healing practices; The Excavation Meditation;
Strengthening and re-building your sense of self; Freeing yourself from the narcissist’s messaging; Finding your sturdy center; Self-validation and self-love practices;
Tools for ending a relationship with a narcissist; Tools for surviving an ongoing connection to a narcissist; Healthy boundaries and selective attachment; Becoming Ungaslightable;
Forging healthy and secure love relationships; Naming and identifying your specific parts, coping mechanisms, emotional armoring patterns; Attachment theory and relationship styles; An inspirational send-off.
A Word from Course Creator & Facilitator Jeff Brown
We live in a world that is becoming more and more narcissistic all the time. To one degree or another, most of us have been in a relationship to someone with narcissistic tendencies. At the same time, there has been a growing cultural tendency to diminish or deny the experience of those who are victimized by narcissists. Many therapists shun the label ‘narcissist’, despite the fact that it accurately reflects the experience of many clients. The toxic positivity movement mischaracterizes people’s legitimate experiences of ‘victimhood’ as an illusory ‘story’, an exaggerated version of events that they should rise above. This culture of denial merely reinforces the self-deprecating conditioning that the victim already internalized from the narcissist themselves (“It’s all in your head,” “You are being too sensitive”), making it difficult for a victim to own and share their truth.
What is actually needed is the opposite: a safe space to acknowledge and fully honor our story so we can heal the trauma. If you can’t own your whole story, you can’t heal your whole story. What we need are tools and techniques that support our efforts to heal and strengthen our sense of self.
Healing and re-building from narcissistic abuse is different for everyone, depending on the dynamic, the context, and where you are at in the process. For some, it’s a release of grief and anger that stockpiled in the heart of the relationship. For others, it’s about recovering their sense of self, or actually gaining a sense of self for the first time. For some, it’s a letting go, a letting through, a letting the experience grow and change them. Sometimes it requires a process of self-forgiveness and learning how to prevent this in the future. For many, it’s about healing from the belief that there is nothing to heal—a misguided belief that was planted by the narcissist for their own benefit. What these all have in common is the prioritization of self-care and self-attunement, the re-directing of all the energy that went into feeding the narcissist’s supply back to you. This may be easy for some, and remarkably difficult for others, drained of so much energy and still so confused by the experience that they cannot find what they need to heal.
This course creates a healing space that meets you exactly where you are, and guides you to the next stage of your own unique journey. If there is one thing narcissists are good at, it is re-writing our inner narratives with their manipulated versions of reality. In this course, you are inspired to replace their voice with your own.
I come by my interest in this topic sincerely, through my own lived experience. Both of my parents were classic narcissists, and it took me many years to recognize and work through their toxic effects. It’s hard enough to heal from a later-in-life relationship with a narcissist, but healing from narcissistic parent(s) is particularly difficult because their negative messaging and lack of attunement directly impacts our development. We not only have to heal from them, we also have to find imaginative ways to mature and develop on our own. In my case, that re-parenting journey has taken many years, and continues in earnest to this day.
But much has changed. Where before I struggled with immobilizing self-hatred, unhealthy boundaries, people-pleasing patterns, and abandonment triggers, I no longer do. I now move through life with confidence, clear direction and ease. Trauma patterns surface, but far less often, and I now have the tools to work them through.
One of the things that helped me was doing the work to truly see my parents (and a later-in-life lover) for who they were. Not the version of themselves they projected, but the reality of who they were. This wasn’t possible at first, because I was enmeshed with them, and believed that I was responsible for who they had become. So I devoted myself to loving them and trying to change them. But then I grew stronger, and came to understand that I was wasting my time. Because narcissism is not something seeking growth and transformation. It is an intrinsically unchangeable parasitic structure, one that exists to be fed and maintained precisely as it is. With no capacity for self-reflection or empathic interface, it has no impetus to grow. Your job, whether you knew it or not, was to give it what it needed to remain alive in its current form. And none of this is, or ever could be, your responsibility. They may have wanted you to believe it was your fault, so you would keep elevating and nourishing them, but none of that was true. They arrived in your life that way. It is simply who they are, and it is your work to remove yourself from their grip, grow beyond them, and grant yourself permission to become all that you are meant to be.
This course reflects the substantial toolbox of techniques and practices that I explored and developed on my road to recovery. It was no easy feat, but I have been able to reach a place where the effects of narcissistic abuse seldom dominate my life. I now have a strong and sturdy sense of self, and I am capable of developing and sustaining healthy relationships in every part of my life. I feel enlivened, self-assured, and emblazoned with purpose. You can, too.
If I have a wish for you with respect to this course, it is that you arrive at the end of it feeling more deeply aware of where this wound lives inside of you, clearer on how it shows up and limits your possibilities, and that you are well on the road to healing it. If you can stay with the work for long enough, the voices of internalized blame and shame will grow quieter within you, and a voice of healthy self-regard will arise to fill the space. You will reach a place where you are too healthy to devote any of your precious life, to that which doesn’t honor and reflect your inherent self-worth. And when you genuinely reach that place, narcissists will pass you by, because they can sense that you are way too solid to be a target. At this point, you will no longer make choices sourced in an over-compensatory quest for external validation. You will make choices that are sourced in a deep and abiding self-love.
At no point in this course do I attempt to tell you how to feel or take over your process. Instead, I seek to provide tools, techniques, and insights that can support your own unique process. And to provide a safe container for your healing and transformation journey. Please join me.
About Jeff

Depending on your economic circumstances
Your course will be available for instant download after payment
For those not familiar with audio downloads, it is very simple. After you click on the download button, you will come to a page where you can enter in the price (from $89 to $169 US) that works best for you. Once you sign up, a code will be sent to the email you provide. You click the code and the course easily downloads to your computer or device. In the download are six separate MP3 classes, and a printable 68-page written document with optional exercises, tools, and meditations in PDF format.
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