Soulshaping Sessions

with Jeff Brown

In a session, I work with you to both identify your sacred purpose, and to harmonize it with your outer life. That is, to identify the callings, offerings and learnings that live at the heart of your quest for a more satisfying and authentic spiritual life. Sometimes we focus our time together on what challenges and issues stand in the way of clarifying your path. Sometimes we focus on how you can actually bring your sacred purpose into the world.

Soulshaping Philosophy

At the heart of Soulshaping philosophy is the belief that every individual came into this life with a sacred purpose, however humble it may outwardly appear. We are not random concentrations of stardust, nor are we accidental tourists. We are divinely inspired, purposeful, and essential to the dance of sacred imagination that is this life. Satisfying our purpose is entirely dependent on our ability to recognize and actualize our soul-scriptures for this lifetime. Our soul-scriptures are the lessons we are here to learn, the steps we are here to take, the inner gifts we are here to open, the offerings we are here to bring to the world. When we can get aligned with our sacred purpose, we find deep satisfaction, no longer wondering why we are here.


Transformational Work

Jeff BrownIn my Soulshaping sessions, I work with you in a grounded way to both identify your sacred purpose, and to harmonize it with your outer life. Too many of us live a divided existence—we have a depthful and reflective inner world, and our daily life in the outer world is entirely different. This is through no fault of our own. We have been living in a survivalist world, where our rich inner lives were sacrificed in the name of existing and making ends meet. For too many generations, the outer world has been organized around whatever adaptations and disguises we needed to stay alive. We have often had to maintain our inner world in private, a private life entirely distinct from the masks that we wear in the marketplace. This has been terribly challenging and confusing for many of us. Finally, this is beginning to shift, as many of us are working to co-create a world where there is congruence between our inner worlds and our daily lives. Supporting this transition lives at the heart of my work. I support you in your efforts to clarify and deepen into your sacred purpose. In other words, to help you to clarify why you are really here and to bring it into realization. Not the why that was fed to you by family and society, not some floaty spiritual idea of why you are here—but the why that is encoded in the bones of your being. The real who you are. The true steps you long to take. The paths that call you home. At the same time, I support you in your efforts to align your sacred purpose with your daily life. We get right into the questions around the path you are here to walk and co-create a realistic, inspired blueprint for you that will allow you to bring these two worlds into alignment. Because there is no limit to what is possible when our authentic inner world aligns with our mission in the world itself. That alignment is true spirituality-in-action.

My Approach

Sessions take many forms, depending on where you are at and what you are struggling with. Sometimes we focus our time together on what is standing in the way of your ability to identify and/or actualize your sacred purpose. These obstacles can take many forms: unresolved emotions, misguided self-concepts, patterns of self-distraction, personal issues that keep returning. They also include external influences: an over-stimulating culture, economic challenges, others’ opinions, the weight of the world. There can be a lot in the way at this stage of human development, where the idea of authentic path is only beginning to take root. And sometimes, you may feel entirely ready to tackle the question of purpose but you don’t know where to look for it. In these sessions, we focus our energies on techniques and experiences that can help you to path identify. That is, to help you to clarify, in clear terms, the next steps on your quest for an actualized life. And, finally, some sessions may be focused on how you can actually bring your sacred purpose into the world. That is, how can you hold to the truth of who you are in a masked world? How do you find a new idea of family that is consistent with all of your changes, a group of friends and supporters that reflect your authentic face? How do you turn your callings into a sustainable career path? How do you continue to get real, and still pay the bills? And how can you live your life as a celebration of the sacred purpose that lives at the core of your being?

Since ‘Grounded Spirituality’ was published, I am also doing many sessions that are focused on recovery from “spiritual bypass” teachings and practices. This includes simplistic new age teachings, and any spirituality that sees our humanness as something less than sacred. In other words, those spiritual teachings that shame or deny the truth of trauma and victimhood, and/or dishonor our story, feelings, ego, personal identifications, the body. If we have been pitted against any aspects of ourselves on the spiritual path, we will not be able to find and honor our sacred purpose. Because it can only be found within the self, itself.

It is my mission to help others identify and clear the obstructions in their way. It is my mission to remind others of their inherent magnificence and encourage them in the direction of their own, unique true-path. It is my mission to invite others to trust their intuition, excavate their sacred purpose, answer the call to something greater. It is my mission to use my gifts as fodder for the mill of human expansion, and to provide heartfelt nourishment to those who have momentarily forgotten their significance. I know one thing for certain: if we are all healing our hearts and living our sacred purpose, much of the madness on this planet will come to an end. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and self-creation.

On phone, zoom or skype, I support you in your efforts to heal and work
through what stands in the way, and to identify and actualize your sacred purpose

Payment & Pricing

The price for a one-hour session is $150.00 US, to be pre-paid on Paypal. You don’t have to be a member  you can pay directly with your credit card. If you don’t wish to pay on-line, contact Jeff below to make other arrangements.

Let’s Do This

If you have questions, or want to arrange a time, message below or contact Jeff directly at He is the only one reading those emails, so whatever you ask or express will be entirely private. If you have already paid for a session, he will contact you by email to arrange a time. Sessions are done by phone, skype or zoom. You are always welcome to send him up to 3 pages of personal history/session focus before your appointment, as well.

Soulshaping sessions are not psychotherapeutic in nature, and are no substitute for an ongoing relationship with a psychotherapist, or other healing professional. Of course, Jeff will hold the space for the emotional material that comes up in the heart of a session, but deep work is best done with someone in close proximity. If you are in therapy, we highly recommend that you confer with your therapist first about supplementing your healing work with Soulshaping sessions. We do not want you opening up to a challenging process without someone close by to support you.

*Soulshaping sessions are one hour in length. The cancellation policy is 24 hours notice before the booked session, except in cases of emergency.