Jeff Brown
Author, Teacher, Grounded Spiritualist & Enrealment Activist
Finding and Living Your Sacred Purpose Audio Course
Discover How To Excavate & Honor Your Sacred Purpose
A 6-week on-line course that supports your efforts to identify the paths you are here to walk, the lessons you are here to learn, and the callings you are here to embrace.
Pay what you can $89 – $169 sliding scale
depending on your economic circumstances
In this E-course You Will Discover How to…
Clarify your path
This course will support the excavation and clarification of your very unique path of purpose. You will see the path that calls you.
Release & Transform
Tools & Meditations
You will receive tools, exercises, stories and meditations as support. Jeff’s heartfelt and insightful talks create a safe-space for your transformative journey. The listener feels authentically seen and invited in the direction of their own sacred path.
This course is an invitation.
Are we just random concentrations of stardust, and accidental tourists? Or are we meaning-based, purposeful and essential to this dance of sacred imagination? Satisfying our purpose is dependent on our ability to recognize and honor our soul-scriptures for this lifetime. Our soul-scriptures are that unique combination of experiences, callings, key relationships and archetypal pathways that live at the heart of our transformation. Are you ready to unlock the encoded destiny that lives in your bones, the true-path you are here to walk, the lessons you came here to learn?
In this downloadable course, you will learn to…
As we deal with the challenges, pressures and distractions of daily life, many of us lose sight of our purpose, momentarily forgetting that there is a well spring of magnificence lying in wait within us.
How small we sometimes imagine ourselves, how quickly we hide our light under a bushel of shame.
Yet we are each so brilliant, so gifted, libraries of unlimited possibility, soul-scriptures waiting for us on every inner shelf.
Your sacred purpose may be hidden from view, it may be covered in dust, but its’ still in there, sparkling with infinite possibility, waiting in the wings for its opportunity to be lived.
When you walk through the gateway of purpose, you walk into yourself. Blessingly buffered from the madness of the world, your purpose filters out those relationships and energies that undermine your expansion.
You will be infused with vitality and a clarified focus, new pathways of possibility will appear where before there were obstacles.
Life may still have its challenges, but you will interface with them differently, coated in an authenticity of purpose that sees through the veils to what really matters.
The rivers of essence will rise up to meet you, carrying you from one wave of expansion to another.
Jeff will be guiding you through this course in 6 clarified stages, supporting you in identifying your Sacred Purpose and, in a grounded and realistic way, helping you to set an agenda for creating a life that reflects it.
Because it is often difficult to identify your purpose, we will focus on listening in and looking for indicators of the path you are here to walk.
For some, the direction is crystal clear and the challenge relates to actualization alone; for others, the direction is undefined, and the challenge is learning how to sift through distractions and truth aches to recognize the paths they are here to walk.
Wherever you are at on your journey, this course will support your efforts to live a more authentic and genuinely inspired life.
6 weekly talks and 44 pages of exercises, meditations and supportive writings:
Introduction to sacred purpose.
Identifying obstacles on your path.
Grist for the soul mill—key relationships, emotional issues, transformative lessons.
Callings, gifts and archetypes.
Humanifesting purpose in a sustainable way. Getting real in an unreal world.
Creating a sacred blueprint for a purposeful life.
About Jeff

A word from Jeff
We are at a remarkable crossroads in our human development. We are poised on the brink of a shift from survivalism to authenticity as a way of being. In the old model, we were conditioned to define who we are by reference to our practical duties and roles. Whatever mask or disguise kept us alive was our personal identity. As we move into a new paradigm, we are invited into a deeper and more authentic inquiry: What is my real path, the path uniquely my own? What is my true purpose – the purpose encoded deep within me? Who am I – really? Why am I here? The quest for our true-path should be as natural as breathing. Yet our authentic face is often buried below the weight of distraction and disguise. We are only beginning to realize that we are meant for something more: a truer path, a deeper path, a sacred path infused with the light of purpose. We are not random concentrations of stardust. We are not here merely to survive and endure. Beneath our misidentifications lies a treasure chest of divine possibility. A cornucopia of callings, gifts and lessons that we are here to unearth and embody. This buried treasure is awaiting its liberation. We are Sacred Purpose.
At the core of our being, we are emblazoned with possibility and teeming with potential. This potential is not meant to remain in hiding, or as a theoretical construct. It is meant to be grounded in our daily lives, infusing every aspect of who we are, and how we live. Despite the negative messages we have internalized about our value, there is profound meaning at the heart of each birth. Each of us is essential to this dance of sacred imagination. Each of us is a storehouse of sacred intentions and offerings, just waiting for their opportunity to be lived. There is a wellspring of magnificence lying in wait within us. We are sacred purpose.
This Finding and Living your Sacred Purpose course supports you in your efforts to discover, unearth and embody the sacred purpose encoded within you. Please join us on this journey of soul-discovery and self-creation.
Depending on your economic circumstances
Your course will be available for instant download after payment
For those not familiar with audio downloads, it is very simple. After you click on the download button, you will come to a page where you can put in the price (from $89 to $169 US) that works best for you. Once you sign up, a code will be sent to the email you provide. You click the code and the course easily downloads to your computer or device. In the download are six separate MP3 classes, and a printable 44-page written document with optional exercises in PDF format.
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