The Narcissistic Abuse Healing Course
A Course For Women and Men
This simple and easy-to-follow 6 week downloadable audio course will show you how to transform wounds and move forward in your life. With an additional 68 page e-book of written exercises and meditations created by Soulshaping author Jeff Brown.

The Sacred Feminine Rising Audio Course: Healing the Effects of Unawakened Men
A Course For Women
This simple and easy-to-follow 6 week downloadable audio course will show you how to transform wounds and move forward in your life. With an additional 64 page e-book of written exercises and meditations created by Soulshaping and Apologies to the Divine Feminine author Jeff Brown.

Inner Child Rising Audio Course: Healing the Effects of Unawakened Parents
A Course for Women and Men on a Healing Journey
This simple and easy-to-follow 7 week downloadable audio course will show you how to transform wounds and patterns, and move forward in your life. With an additional 67 page e-book of written exercises and meditations created by Soulshaping and Apologies to the Battered Child author Jeff Brown.

Finding and Living Your Sacred Purpose: The authentic path that you are here to walk
A 6-week interactive on-line course that supports your efforts to identify the paths you are here to walk, the lessons you are here to learn, and the callings you are here to embrace.

The Awakening Man: A Healing and Transformation Course
A Course For Men
This dynamic, engaging and easy-to-follow 6-week downloadable audio course will help you to break free from the shackles of your conditioning; clear emotional debris that blocks your aliveness; awaken to the fullness of your authentic self; and discover your callings and life purpose.

The Abandonment Wound Healing Course
This engaging and easy-to-follow 6 week downloadable audio course will support you in your efforts to heal the abandonment wound and move forward in your life.

Writing Your Way Home: Answering the Soul’s Call
A Course For Women and Men
This inspiring and easy-to-follow 6 week downloadable audio course will support you in your efforts to explore your calling to write. Guidance and inspiration for anyone ready to express their soul’s voice. With an additional 40 page e-book of written exercises, tools, and prompts created by best-selling author Jeff Brown.

THE POETRY HEALING COURSE: Writing from Your Heart and Soul
A Course Designed for Everyone
This transformative 4-week downloadable audio course is designed to help you safely discover personal healing and resolution through the cathartic act of writing poetry. With an additional 44-page e-book of written exercises, openers, and prompts created by Susan Frybort, author of Hope is a Traveler and Open Passages.